We work online
Use GitHub repository
Use Pull Requests
Merge into the master branch
Test verification
Task distribution is random for each student.
An example for each technology can be found in the corresponding directory:
.In each repository, the contains a link to the course documentation (read it fully!!!).
Additionally, each repository includes an example of a properly formatted PULL REQUEST.
Submission of all tasks is mandatory to pass the course.
A task that has been merged into the master branch continues to be monitored. If a task fails in the master, it is disabled, and a record of this is added to the score table. All disabled tasks will result in a zero points result for those tasks at the end of the semester. It can be seen that your task is disabled due to the following reason: the directory of your task has been renamed from
All resources for using the repository will be provided here:
* All instructions, repositories, and tables may be updated during the learning process for better usability. Be prepared for changes, check and update them periodically!!!