How to submit your work

  • There are all, mpi, omp, seq, stl, tbb folders in the tasks directory. Move to a folder of your task. Create a directory named <last name>_<first letter of name>_<short task name>.

    Example: seq/nesterov_a_vector_sum. Please name all tasks with the same name directory. If the seq task is named seq/nesterov_a_vector_sum, then the omp task must be named omp/nesterov_a_vector_sum.

  • Navigate into the newly created folder and begin your work on the task. The folder must contain only 4 directories with files:

    • data - Directory with own data files for functional testing of the task.

    • func_tests - Directory with Google tests for functional testing of the task.

    • include - Directory for header files with function prototypes.

    • perf_tests - Directory with Google tests for performance testing. The number of tests must be 2: run_task and run_pipeline.

    • src - Directory with source files containing the function implementations.

  • There must be 10 executable files for running:

    • <all, mpi, omp, seq, stl, tbb>_<func, perf>_tests. For example, omp_perf_tests - an executable file for performance tests of OpenMP practice tasks.

  • All prototypes and classes in the include directory must be namespace-escaped. Name your namespace as follows:

    namespace <last name>_<first letter of name>_<short task name>_<technology> {
    namespace nesterov_a_test_task_seq {
    class TestTaskSequential : public ppc::core::Task {
    }  // namespace nesterov_a_test_task_seq
  • Name your group of tests and individual test cases as follows:

    • For functional tests (for maximum coverage):

      TEST(<last name>_<first letter of name>_<short task name>_<technology>, <any_name_of_test_case>) {
      TEST(nesterov_a_vector_sum_omp, test_sum) {
    • For performance tests (only 2 tests - pipeline and task - no more no less):

      TEST(<last name>_<first letter of name>_<short task name>_<technology>, <type_of_performance_validation>) {
      TEST(nesterov_a_vector_sum_stl, test_pipeline_run) {
      TEST(nesterov_a_vector_sum_stl, test_task_run) {
  • Name your pull request as follows:

    • For tasks:

      <Last Name First Name>. Task <Number of task>. Variant <Number of variant>. Technology <Name of technology>. <Full name of task>.
      Нестеров Александр. Задача 1. Вариант 123. Технология MPI. Сумма элементов вектора.
  • Provide the full task definition in the pull request’s description.

    Example pull request can be found in the repository’s pull requests.

  • Work on your forked repository. Keep your work on a separate branch (not on master)!!! Name your branch the same as your task’s folder. To create a branch, run:

    git checkout -b nesterov_a_vector_sum_mpi

Failing to follow the rules will result in a red project build.